Presentation of the book "Open Problems in Mathematics" (edited jointly with John F. Nash), in the May 2016 Issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, dedicated to John F. Nash.
"Interview with Peter Sarnak", for the June 2018 Issue of the Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society. Translated also in Chinese and published in: "Mathematical Advances in Translation", Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3(2019), 232-236.
Invited "In Memoriam" article dedicated to Freeman J. Dyson, for the July 2020 Issue of the Newsletter of the London Mathematical Society.
Article (joint with Olaf Witkowski) for the Program in Interdisciplinary Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, in the June 2019 Issue of the Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society.
List of contributors ofproblems in the column "Solved & Unsolved Problems" of the Magazine of the European Mathematical Society (formerly known as Newsletter), since September 2017 that I have been in charge of it.